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Hello. Welcome to my blog!

My name is Lidia.
Fourteen on 07December.


images: x
brushes: x x
designer: x
Saturday, May 8, 2010 9:12 AM
hey guys.

i know i havent been blogging these past couple of...months but life has been real hectic lately. With me taking 11 subjects and all that jazz. But I did manage to write a couple more songs, and I totally miss jamming and writing with Kak Shasha since she's working and we're both busier now. So I will post them up here, so hopefully she can do something with them, even if she's faraway. :(

Hahaha. On a lighter note, FREEEDOM. Yes, my mid years have ended and i feel totally free, like a huge ol' burden being lifted off my shoulders. Hah. I'm currently watching He's Beautiful, a highly recommended Korean drama by...well, everybody. Its pretty good. :)

I'm also writing a new script. :) I think the last script, The Last Promise was a success, I'm pretty darn proud of it, and I'm missing the couple, Ellie and Nick. I should stop being so attached to my characters. The new script I havent thought of the title yet, but a brainblast will probably come to me when I'm halfway through, but I can tell you the couple though. Its Adrianna and Liam. (Which is wierd, because in 90210 Adrianna and Liam have nothing whatsoever to do with each other, but it just seemed right). The only bad thing about this is that in 2 days i'm off to OBS (Outward Bound School) camp, and so for 5 days i must be without music, internet, my script and most probably the rest of civilisation. Sigh. BUT. I must tell myself that there is a real good side to the camp too. I get to lose weight :)

And right now, I dont really have a crush. Its like I way to busy. I guess that's life. :)

Ok I wont make my posts too long and draggy, so buh-bye!


Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:19 AM
hey all. right now my life sucks. wanna know why?

1. Because of Chemistry i know cannot tell people that i did not fail anything. and guess what. i failed by 1 mark.

2. Selena Gomez gets more and more perfect every second.

3. Even though I have stopped drinking lemon tea [it is killing me!] and not eat dinner my body just refuses to lose weight.

4. Everyone else in the world seems to be so much more perfect and have so much more going for them.

5. My best friends at madrasah are leaving me and now i can't look forward to Saturdays unless Nad comes.

6. My writer's block seems to just WANT me to not finish my halfway done songs.

7. After all my parents have done for me, I still never seem to be able to do well enough for them. They bless me with so much stuff, a home, good life, enough money and food, clothes, movies and i can't even pass all the subjects for them? I am the worst daughter ever.

8. He doesn't know what I want him to notice.

yes world. so my life sucks, i know. but i think i'm supposed to thank god for everything so far.

1. I have been blessed enough to be born able bodied

2. I'm born with a normal brain

3. I'm am born into a wonderful family.

4. Singapore doesn't get involved in natural disasters.

i get it, my life is great. but it's not bad to want things.

BUT i guess it's bad to want things you know you'll never get.

Thank you, God for everything. But sometimes. Sigh. Never mind.

give thanks and instead of complaining, think about if you deserved everything you've got.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010 3:04 AM


so CTs just ended! AWWWW YEAH BABY! i'm frigging spazzing right now :) YAY. so for people who i have not met recently, updates!

1. I HEART LOGAN LERMAN. [HE is my husband now]
2. nothing else ,really, written a few more songs but besides that my life has been PRETTY boring so far.
i'm watching GLEE right now :D so BYE :)

Failed, Failed, and look at that. Failed.
Monday, February 8, 2010 1:53 AM







OH YEA. and i wrote like 2 more songs. just to lazy to put em up :)

Ruoting Was Hereeeee.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 10:27 PM
So. Now, Lidia is obsessing over Nathan Kress and she is just staring at the computer, fantasising about stuff i do not wanna know about. Oh, Lidia, you owe me loads for updating your links.

Dayna is gonna type now.
Helloooooo :D
Soso , Lidia is now getting all angry and frustrated just cause the Nathan Kress is talking about his " ideal girl " and all and and the volume thingyy to her computer wont work . Oh wells . o-o . Okayys bye world ~


Now Gabrielle wants to type.
HELLOOOOOO!:D the wonderful awesome gabrielle is HERE! :D YAY! 3 cheers for gabrielle! she rockss! she rocks! she rocks! HI RUOOOTINNGGG :D
ahhahahahah! im so happy now! yay MEDIA! ;D oh the joyful joyness joy~

if this was a honeymoon year, could you imagine the wedding night??
Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:31 AM

so i just posted a new song i thought Gerry would like, with her animated beings obsession :). Sec 3 life = (seriously why the hell do people call it honeymoon year??) haha

so i'm gonna go have dinner and get back to ionic equations cuz the 15% thing is tmr. so. SEE YA.


Notice Me
3:57 AM
Hey so you know how i feel useless if i dont have a writer's block but i don't write songs after a long time, yes, well so i did feel crazy useless when i heard Taylor Swift's Today was A Fairytale (UHMAAZZIING SONG) so i wrote something along that line called Notice Me. Enjoy :)

Verse 1
I'm Cinderella, you're Prince Charming
I'm looking like a mess and on the sidelines watching
When will I get my really pretty dress,
My pumpkin carriage and all the rest

I'm Cinderella, you're Prince Charming
You look at me, suddenly we're dancing
And baby you know when the clock strikes midnight
you'll never see
I was the girl you danced with, you won't
notice me.

I think of you every night
Your face sings me to sleep
You're my fairytale, my bedtime story
You come up in my dreams
Baby you know, I wanna make 'em real
We can make us what we can be
only if you, notice me.

Verse 2
I'm Wendy, you're Peter Pan
When you're next to me, I'm never scared
You lead my way, 2nd star to the right
You say you love me now, and straight into the night

Bridge 1
Baby I'll love the way you'll make me feel
But you know it's never gonna happen till
you just
notice me


Bridge 2
Do you feel this love in the air?
The way my fingers fit in yours,
Baby, we're a perfect pair
We'll have a fairytale ending
With everything love brings
But it'll never be real till you
notice me

(bridge 1)

So baby please
notice me

Update. FOr you,Nad
Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:33 AM
SO just now had tuition(chem and bio) for the first time with my new tutor and she was AWESOOOME. i totally get ionic equations now!! :) Then of course went for Madrasah and about 2 seconds before i reach Seri told me she wont be there and i'm like =.- and :( at the same time, because somehow i miss her and i know her stupid ego is going to flare up after she reads this. And i hope she feels guilty. At least Nadiah and Hid came. :) then we planned an evil mastermind plan :) haha, Jeez i get so excited and giddy I'm spazzing just thinking of hte reactions they'll cause :)

SCHOOL. The most dreaded thing i well, dread, in my life right now, after excercise and PE :) School is CRAZY STRESSFUL. and it's just the start of the year! CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT IT'S GOING TO BE LIKE NEXT YEAR?? I'M HYPERVANTILATING AND SPAZZING JUST THINKING BOUT IT!!! But at least i understand ionic equations :) And mum asked me my goals for Os so i made a table and i pray pray pray pray to God that I can hopefully reach 'em.

i havent written more songs due to my excessively busy schedule. And of course because i seem to be taking 11 SUBJECTS. you know what, i think i might me insane. i should go for a check-up. they're free at some hospitals. Right?? Think so.

You-know-who hasnt updated yet. DAMN IT. DUDE UPDATE. shit Lidia you're becoming obsessed.


so tomorrow's sunday. THEN its monday. ONCE AGAIN. a new week. Yipee de doo. How thrilling,really. I can hardly sit down. (and that is obviously sarcasm cuz I CAN ALWAYS sit down)



I'm falling even more in love with you, letting go of all I've held onto. I'm standing here until you make me move, jsut hanging by a moment her with you. I'm living for the only thing I know, running but not sure where to go. I don' t know what I'm diving into, just hanging by a moment here with you.

Notice me.

adventures with my earpiece
Saturday, January 9, 2010 4:13 AM

i lost my earpiece just now.

then i found it.

YAY! :)

i can't set my hopes too high cuz every hello ends with a goodbye.

I'll Never Ever Get
3:29 AM
Verse 1
From the first time I saw your face
I knew I'd never forget you
I remember your steady gaze
You made my world feel twice as new

(Constant Bridge)
Your beautiful laugh
Your beautiful smile
They light up the sky
They light up my life

You smile and girls melt
You speak they're impressed
ANd I know you're the one thing
I'll never ever have

You make me want you oh so bad
You talk bout her I get mad
But you're still the one thing
I'll never ever get

Verse 2
No matter how much you felt right
We would never happen
So I have to leave you behind,
Yeah,I gotta say goodbye

You'll find a great girl
You'll light up her world
You'll wipe her tears when she cries
And she'll light up your life

(Constant Bridge)


(Bridge 2)
YOu don't know who I am
You'll never notice me
You'll find someone else
even though you're all I'll ever see

You'll never look at me like that
Cuz you're the one thing I'll never ever get


You'll never look at me like that
Cuz you're the one thing I'll never ever get

Falling Deeper In Love With You
3:21 AM
Verse 1
When I first passed you by
You didn't notice me
I could never catch you
Baby without you my heart would lose its beat

Then I noticed you more
But me you never see
Everytime I see your face
I just get weak in the knees

I think I'm falling in love with you
I don't know what to do
I can't seem to get enough
I think I'm falling in love with you

i'm falling a little deeper
I don't what I'm going through
Should I say we should be together
I think I'm falling deeper in love with you

Verse 2
Its always when I'm own my own
And I'm thinking bout you
Wondering if you're alone
Maybe you're thinking bout me too

Then I'd laugh at tha tstupid thought
Cuz you don't even know my name
But I still hope for my happy ending
At the end of the day


You don't know I'm alive
Yet it's still you that I like
I hope you have a great life
Cuz evrytime its dark,
you'll never know you were always the light


Wah Seyh Can Die Leyh
2:57 AM

If you are wondering why on Earth my blog title is like that it's because I just got back from Sec 1 Camp and WAH SEYH became my new favourite phrase thanks to Nadia Krista :)

It was DDDDDDAAAAAAMMMMNNNN tiring lah. Wah Seyh man can die one eh!! For two nights we all sleep for 3 hrs only, then wanna hype the girls up also damn tiring. But then my juniors so SWEEEEEEEEEET. I told them my obsession with Nick and they started calling me Mrs Nick Jonas and then there's this girl, Nicole, she gave me a note just now and at the end it was like Nick Jonas (hearts) Lidia and i'm like OOMIIGODD DUDE I LOVE YOU! And my class for Camp was ok, i mean, at first not enthu AT ALL but by giving them pep talks every nanosecond they're like "fiine" at least. And we had an SUPER ULTRA MEGA AWEEESOOOME class cheer :)

The camp was Wed to Fri so i only went for the firtst 2 days of school. Wah seyh man Sec 3 scared the shit right outta me! I'm suuuper duuuper ultra mega busy also. Now the school put official dismissal at 1.25,but i'm so angry cuz i wont get to enjoy it :( the earliest i end is like 3.10 and i'm like =.- seriously??

So when i came back Friday i slept my ass off and then Saturday got CCA Fair. I was none other than Romeo!! (i was like the only one with a male costume, and i was sorta a playboy Romeo cuz i had like a million Juliettes. At first Tasha was supposed to be mine, but she dissapered :( so Becky became mine) After that i went for Madrasah. Me and Seri were like on fire asking questions abt Hari Kiamat aka Dooms Day. Nadiah came but Hidayah didnt..... and neither did her love who she is obsessed with. Nadiah got her results and we were so FLABBERGASTED(yes i used it) cuz she came for the exams but didnt do that well but Ustazah say DH didnt come but did better cuz of his quiz and I'm like =.- again. UUGGGHHH life is so not fair. but, you reap what you sow,huh? :)

You-know-who hasnt been updating his new blog,but i guess its cuz sec 4 year is a big one for him, so he's focusing more on school, so i won't get all worked up and stalkerish. Ahem. Because I DO NOT stalk. Ahem. At all. Ahem. Seriously. :)

I'm lazy right now (what's new,huh?) but the song book's here so i might as well but the new songs up since I'm not going to meet Kak Shasha soon for the music arrangement so she'll just look at it here :)


Day 1 of Sec 3
Monday, January 4, 2010 4:17 AM

So just now was my first day of school(like everyone else) and do you know how paranoid i was? So paranoid i couldn't sleep till midnight. (shudder) But it was fine :)

Tomorrow we start lessons and i'm both scared and excited,and will probably sleep late again against my will (i hate being paranoid)

My sec 1 class that i'm in charge of is 1.3 and they are nothing like when i was in sec 1. they barely resond. but oh well. Sec 3 is going to one BIG year.

i hope i am ready. :)

For CCA fair,which is on Saturday(meaning i can't go for madrasah) ELDDS has chosen a theme of Shakespeare. (i know right,like what,we're supposed to put feathers on hats and wear tights??) Anyway,together with other LD members,we cracekd our heads to get a costume and i have decided to e the one and onlu , Romeo!!! And Tasha is my Juliet ;)

I'll wear my dad's white shirt,with my skinnys(since i don't own tights) an long socks (they like wearing longs sock,huh?) and black shoes. (Romeo enough??)

And on Wednesday we start the one and only,much awaited for SEC 1 IDISCOVER CAMP: CAMP COURAGE!! (i know my school has this thing with long names,like how my school name is the longest in the country and all ) I'm actually taking down the To-Bring-List as i am posting this :)

I know,women are good multi-taskers :)

Pretty much it

2009 passed by in a flash :) and i enjoyed it. definitely.

good luck for 2010,its been a decade since 9/11 and since i was 5 so let's live this year. (yeah right,i'll probably be cooped up in my room studying most of the year )

i wrote 2 more songs (i know, 2!!) they're called Falling Deeper In Love with You and Something I'll Never Have.

I'll put it up soon (and by soon its probably in a month or two now that school's started)

Run far away, so I can breathe, event though you're far from suffocating me.


I'm back!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:33 AM

HEY people!!!

Haven't updated in a while,huh? Guess what. My internet for my room wireless broke down so i can only use the study room computer and not my beloved laptop. Which is probably good,because God probably made that happen because when i want to do "research" i end up watching Seddie videos or cute and absolutely hot Nick videos and i sleep late and wake up late,thus giving my parents the image of me being an utter lazy bum. Ahem. Which i am SO not. Ahem. :)

So anyway, i went to KL,as you all may know, and saw my godsis, the Selena look-a-like Hana, and i've got pics of her! She may not look too pretty cuz my phone cam sucks to the core,but trust me,she is GORGEOUS. (so gorgeous my mum says she'll be married before me. thank you,mother. really) She and Ad were fighting like 50% of the time, and it was always one minute "Hana, do you love kakak?" and she goes "Yes" then "do you love Abang?" and when they're friends, she goes "yes"but when they fight, she like rolls her eyes and says "NO". Sigh. Kids these days. So melodramatic. I joke, I joke. :)

And we went to Sunway Lagoon on day 2! The place changed so much! No more Peter Pan pool. And Hana sorta got traumatized cuz at the baby pool slide some idiot-low-life-uncivilised-self-absorbed-inconsiderate ass of a kid pushed Hana and she fell and the stupid-idiot-irresponsible-nonchalant-bloody lifeguard did nothing about the pushing and shoving kids. On a slide. So my mum let him have it. And Hana sorta is scared of my dad. She's fine and happy when she's with my mum but when my dad's around, she just becomes a shy turtle refusing to come out of her shell. :) But on the last day Papa(my goddad) made her apologise and hug my dad.

During dinner of day1 papa brought us to this Arabian restaurant and Hana drank Hibiscus tea and went all high and friendly,even to my dad! She said dhe liked being interviewed, wanted to act in a film, and even sat with her legs crossed! Can you imagine a 3 year old doing that?? Plain adorable!

And while shopping, I made up a song!! well, not the whole thing,just the chorus, but i mean its good, judging by the stupid writer's block i had.

Tomorrow I've got school! Yipee! (that was sarcasm,in case you missed it) for the Sec 1 Camp dry-run, but at least i don't have to sleepver,i shudder jsut thinking of not being in the comfort of my toilet(i'm not spoilt,but i have this OCD where i can only feel clean in my own toilet,i dont know,i'm wierd) :) and the next day it'll be at Vivo since the games will be at Sentosa.


oh yeah. and i got my braces. now i'm a braceface. and must wait 2 years to get my smile back.

And you-know-who hasnt updated his blog. AARGH. i wish i could just tag "Update,damnit!" but oh well.

Why do i even bother having a crush on this guy? I mean he doesnt even know I'm freakin alive, and evne if he did he would never in bjkzillion(not million, but bjkzillion, which is the product of billion multiplied by jillion and kzillion which gives us a hell of a lot of zeros) years be interested in me.

(i know,abang abil says i gotta have a positive outlook on life,because God gave life to me, and all that, but God made me a girl with hormones,and DAMN are hormones present right now. So i hope God forgives me for writing this,because its the spur-of-the-moment hormones not Lidia talking)


but of course i must add my trademark, SO SUCK IT UP SUCKERS.


lidia. :)

ps. Sorry God. :(

This is Real(please gimme a better title!)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 6:55 AM
Verse 1
SO here I am, sitting in my room
Thinking of all the possible ways
That I could meet you

I'd try to make up those silly things
Like what we' do, like what you'd say
When we were on dates

When I'm mad you whisper super sweet things
And when I'm at my worst, and I don't wanna be seen
You're there
When I stomp of crying you run after me
When I'm about to burst you catch me at the seams
WHen I'm hurt you say you feel all the pain
When I'm stranded you hold me in the heavy pouring rain
And I hope that its true, you feel what I feel
And I hope that you know, that I feel this is real

Verse 2
I'm thinking about
How we'd end up
Laughing, playing, loving together
Saying baby I'll love you forever

Its so obvious this time,
You're everything, yu're Mr Right
You'd be worried sick bout me every night
Call me at 2am, make sure I'm alright


Baby I'm an open book
That's made for you to reaf
And everyday when you're here
I feel like I'm floating in a dream
Baby you're everything I've ever wanted
You're all that I can se
When I need you most
but I don't say a thing
I close my eyes, then look up
And you're there next to me


You Came Along
6:46 AM
Verse 1
Before you came along
I was everything but complete
Everything felt so wrong
And happy seemed so outta reach

I wasn't living everyday
And so much didn't fit
Hope kept leaving, and luck never wanted to stay
And nothing ever changed me, until you did

I was everything but brave
I was everything but strong
I was never thankul for the things life gave
And I was nothing but wrong
My heart and soul were stuck in a cave
I never knew where I belonged
Never knew how a happy life would taste
But that all happened
Before you came along

Verse 2
I never took risks
Never met danger,
Never took a chance
Didn't know life was sweeter

(Repeat chorus)

My life was nothing but a big black holr
ANd my dreams were never coming true
I lost all track of my goal
ANd I never did nothing I wanted to do
But you found my heart, you found my soul
And it was all because I met you

(repeat chorus)

:) oh yeah. and Merry Christmas!
6:18 AM


So I'll be away for holiday at KL for 3days 2 nights! We'll be going to Sunway Lagoon and on the last night we'll be staying at Papa's and Auny Zana's! So long i never meet Hana! If you wanna know how she looks like, in about 10 years, she'll look EXACTLY like the picture of Selena Gomez. Trust me. Even my parents say so. And my mother did NOT like Selena in Wizards. So you can imagine how gorgeous my godsis will be huh?
And once again, you-know-who managed to break my heart into pieces ONCE AGAIN. Yesterday, my dad wanted to go shopping at Paragon at his faveshop, Raoul (and let me just add he got 8 shirts!) We left home at around 8pm. Today i went to you-know-who's blog and he wrote that (on the same night my family went shopping) that he was going to go out to TOWN with SOMEONE that night. And I'm like "whoa whoa whoa. rewind! so we were around the same place at the SAME time?? Say WHAT now??" But the part that hurt the most was when he sounded excited and put a couple of smiley faces when he said he was going out with THAT SOMEONE. But oh well. Maybe some things just aint meant to be,huh?
I know i'v been lazy and havent been putting up songs, so i'll put up another 1 or 2 and trust me, after the you-know-who and being in town incident, i have a heck of a lot to write in a song with THAT.
Anywhos, wish me luck, and enjoy the very last week of this much awaited and maybe not-so-well spent holiday! Oh yeah and I won't be here to wish it, so in advance, Have A Verry Blessed and Merry Christmas. Falalalala-lalalala!

CIP and Hols
Sunday, December 20, 2009 11:14 PM
Whaddup peeps. So far, surprisingly, i am one of the first people who have finish all my homework! HOWEVER. Due to my monstrous penmanship, my parents have kindly requested that I re-type slash re-write my essays. SO i am in the midst of rewriting my Literature essay. But before this i was doing Sec 3 chemistry, since its my weakest link.

On tuesday,i'm going to put in the metal seperators in my teethe and the next day we're off to KL! Then when mum and dad want to celebrate their anniversary(i don't know when,sadly) we're staying over at papa(my godfather) and Aunty Zana's place! Which means i can see HANA!(my god sister). We'll be staying at Sunway! YAY. so long never visit there... just so happen Natasha also going on the 24th! Sekali bump into here, probably will anyway! Hah.

Dui Bu Ji, i havent been posting up songs(as if anyone cares) but i've been supppeeeeeer LAZY(i know,since when was i not) but its actually cuz i'm going through a writers' block!

Like i have so many ideas, feelings and tunes i wanna pen down, but when i open my song book, my mind goes straight into a haze. UHH. I hate NOT writing songs. It affects my chee. (i always wanted to say that, whatever that means)

I'm actually just updating cuz Cik Linda ask me to. Otherwise i'd be too darn lazy. :)

Anyways, i'm a fan of Selena Gomez on facebook and she recently put up pics of her at a childrens' hospital and she looked like an ANGEL. She was glowing with beauty, and giving off the touching feeling of helping others, i was so moved i actually think that Selena Gomez is the defiinition of the word perfect. Like in the dictionary, when you search Perfect, it should say "example. Selena Gomez" or something.

Oh yeah. And Kevin Jonas is OFFICIALLY married! Woo! get a baby qiuck,Kev! Nick will be an awesome uncle(?) hehe. :)

About you-know-who, yeah he totally just broke my heart again. He was going on and on in his blog about loving some girl form a distance, cuz he don't want a long distance relationship and he don't want her to find outn. UHHH. I am such a bitch. Why are you such a bitch,Lidia? Why?


Sherie sent me the song Oopsie Daisy. I sorta changed one part to suit how i feel. Now that my brain hates thinking of songs. Come on,brain. WORK, DAMNIT!

Oopsie daisy,you hurt me again. Crushed my heart in the palm of your hand.

hope you find me.


Friday, December 11, 2009 11:54 PM

Verse 1

I'm looking around

Trying to find you,

Hoping to spot your face in the crowd

I'm feeling confused

Everything I've ever wanted

They're wstarting to come (pause) true


I'mstuck in yesterday

Trying to find my way through right now

Because I don't know what tomorrow wil say

Trying to find my place in where I am

I'm still stuck in th epast

I'm afraid that everything I've worked for is gonna

fade to dust

Verse 2

I don't know

But somehow I feel

I don't recognise me anymore

I get a little scared

What tomorrow will briong

Because it seems like I don't know anything



When everything you've ever wanted
Seemed to leave you one by one
And your world starts breaking down
And somehow destroying what you've built is all you've done


Hope you enjoy it :)

4th in Class
11:46 PM
YEAH. guess what. for Madrasah I got 4th in class! GUESS what my highest subject is. ARABIC. yes, i know right. me. arabic. whoa! i got 56/6o! 2 MCQs wrong. the listening and open ended all full marks leyh! haha. So altogether my percentage increase and once again in top 10, but not top 3....

Anyway, I just remembered that on one of the exam papers i wrote a song called Stuck, so i'm going to put it up soon. I also heard Taylor Swift's Platinum Edition and the new songs are DAMN nice! and i'm like "why are some peole so damn talented! and she is such a beauty!" so i was like I have to write more songs so I don't lose touch. So then i wrote two more songs, You Came Along and Feelings For You. So right now, I have altogether 3 more songs! haha. GREAT.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009 8:14 AM
so here's the song bout you-know-who. it is, as you all may guess, called Worth the Wait.

Verse 1

I look up into the bright night sky
And the shooting stars, they're shooting by
I know he don't really work
But then I close my eyes
And if it came true,
That'd be great, that'd be nice

Constant Bridge
You're making me walk around with constant smile
But its too bad you'll never know I'm alive

I can feel the moon and the stars
They're shining shimmering twinkling down on me
And I can feel as I strum my guitar
That you should probably find out how I feel
Why does it feel like you're so far
And you somehow can't seem to see
that together right now is where we should be
I know you're worth the fight
I know you're worth the pain
Because right now, yeah you're worth the wait

Verse 2
Sure those other girls they're pretty and they're everything
But I'm sure once you give us a chance
Time will tell you that you won't ever leave me

(Constant Bridge)

Bridge (2)
You're on my mind
At home and in school
As the buses pass me by
Or when I'm up here in my room
I won't know if I don't try
but I'm scared of what you're gonna do
You never knew was alive
But all I could think of was you
maybe then you'd realise
I'll be here waiting even if the storms come tumbling through

(Repeat chorus)

So that's the song. Hope it was nice. Heh.

Night all.

OR maybe morning.



I hope he's Worth the Wait
7:47 AM

so. Anyway. After the amazing birthday surprises, i went to you-know-who's blog and felt my heart break. He was going on a date. ON MY BIRTHDAY. And then i tell myself that I am SO pathetic that i actually like this dude who doesnt know i'm even alive. And that he's probably met and dated girls who are prettier than Selena Gomez or Hayden Panetierre, and here i am, wishfully thinking that one day, he might fall in love with me. Oh who am i kidding.

anyways, although he went on a date ON MY BiRThDAY adn my heart practically broke into a million pieces, something he said a few days later rocked my world to its core. First he apologised. Then he says its because he's not ready for a relationship. and i went THANK YOU GOD.

but I really, truthfully, sincerely, with all my heart wish that if we meet, that he's going to be worth the wait. And i hope that I'll be worth the wait too.

i'm 14 baby
Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:15 AM
YOYOYO people! WHAT is up! hahaha. JUST FREAKING high and excited. ya know why. because I got the best present from my two lovely beautiful amazing great parents! guess what they got me! A RED VIAO LAPTOP!!!!!!! yeayyyy. kak shasha is still pinching me and i keep realising that this aint a dream!

so remember how my dad said he wanted to bring us out go jalan-halan? well, actually, it was all planned! yup! it was a surprise birthday party! at Fish and Co. all my friends were there too! hahaha. best birthday yet! WOOO HOOO.

then when they brought the cake out they made me stand on the chair and they did this cool birthday rap! with a sparkler and everything! hahaha.

then me, kak shasha, kak bilah, abang abil, aun, Ad and my parents went shopping around Ion, which was where we had the party too! AWESOME time! got a watch from Rubi. same type but diff color with kak shasha and kak bilah.

anyways. tomorrow filming starts for the CCA Fair thing and i'm the repoter!!! haha, awesome, man!

all in all, i had a great birthday. AND IT'S ONLY 22 MINUTES INTO DECEMBER 7TH.

i thank God i was born, and i thank God for the blessed life He's given me.


movie marathon
Saturday, December 5, 2009 9:24 PM
SO. yesterday, when we were supposed to go to Night Safari, it freaking rained so my mum wanted to have a movie marathon. So me and daddy dragged mummy to follow us go get movies at Heartland Mall. We got like 10 Korean movies la. Oh! and guess WHAT! i finally got hold of the drama Love and Law! Its damn funny but was hard to find last time. then ask the lady if have My Fair Lady slash Lady Castle slash Take Care Of Young Lady but the say don;t have so..oh well.

SO, about the movie marathon, first we watched 200 Pounds Beauty, and the woman so damn freaking beautiful lah! its lkie damn flawless lah her face and body. And the songs is all she sing herself! and she acts wonderfully! so darn talented and perfect lah some people. yes, i am sorta in my emo-life sucks moood now. pssh. hormones.

So then we went up to mummy and daddy's room to watch the local movie Army Daze. So Ad and me brought down our pillows and extra mattress and slept in mummy and daddy's room sekali. Mummy fell asleep halfway, as usual. But the movie was damn funny! haha. you should check it out! I was totally thanking God that He made me a girl! even though we have to go through labour while giving birth and menstrual cramps, they probably definitely beat having 5BX every morning....

guess what day tomorrow is! yup yup! DECEMBER 7 y'all!!! wo de sheng ri! (that is birthday, right?) anyway! kinda excited. finalllly 14! in 24 hrs! hehe. then the next day i extracting teeth for the braces. scared. (shudder)

mum dad and Ad going to mr Shai's wedding. i told them i dont wanna go, say that i gotta memorise script for filming tomorrow. hehe. then daddy say he free so he wanna bring us put go jalan-jalan.

and i'll put up Worth the Wait soon.

and guess what. ya' know Miley? Yeah? WEll. Misss Montana got herself a tattoo. That says Just Breathe. Under her left boob. i know right.

2:16 AM
HEYY. haven't written in like forever. but holidays have have kept me real busy, just like everybody else. i know, ironic right? Anyways, so today had to follow my bro to soccer even tho we came home from watching New Moon at like 1am. So mummy had to drag me outta bed and i had the shock of my life when she said that kak shasha woke uop earlier than me. haha. i kid, i kid. but seriously, it was shocking. then while Ad was at soccer mum brought me and kak shasha to eat prata. felt guilty. ate 2 leh. kak shasha ate 1. she so damn disciplined about the whole "lose weight thing" i haven't cycled for like 2 days.

Anyway. after soccer drop Ad off to shower then mum brought me and kak shasha to Geylang to buy the movie Syurga Cinta (Heaven of Love), yeah the one with the really good looking dude. (Awal Ashaari) but he 28 and getting married in real life already, so that's an out for me (hahaha) Damn nice and sweet movie lah. the girl damn lucky cuz she got him to propose to her. sigh. and he's so....oh i'll quit babbling.

So then caught up with sleep and woke up at arnd 5. Then went oline to try to watch You'r Beautiful and My Fair Lady (aka LAdy Castle or Take Care of Young Lady-yes, why Koreans love having so many freaking titles i have no idea) but stupid mysoju.com the link cannot work, then nicole told me to try viikii.com and dramacrazy.net or something like that but then it got "too many request" so cannot.

THen got the 2nd shock of my life, when my dad suddenly called and this was how the conversation went.

Dad: Hi kak, what are you doing?
Me: Just woke up.
Dad: Yeah, from sleeping the whole day, right?
Me: No laa, from a nap.
Dad: Ya and the nap started at what, 9am?
Me: 4pm ok. (about to ask where we wanna have dinner)
Dad: Do me a favour and google Night Safari. I wanna go there tonight.
Me: WHAT???
Dad: aiyo, i said help me google.
Me: Night Safari? TONIGHT??
Dad: YA lah. And tell Adli if he doesnt finish reading the book and his summary he's not following.

so i'm writing this as i wait for my brother to do his book report and then Hello, Night Safari and nocturnal animals who will probably scare the hell out of me.

oh well.

i've never been there so pretty excited.

then now my mum just reach home with a big bag of girl stuff that was on sale at metro for me. haha. yes, she still buys them for me.

so today, i already help 2 cardiac-arresting shocks of my life and its only 6.30pm. the night's still young.

And i wrote a new song called Worth The Wait, bout you-know-who(not Voldermort, please, before any of you crack that lame joke) and i'll probably post it up soon!


pretty much it!

forever and always

For 2.3 of 2009, Don't Look Back
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:46 AM
This is the last year 2.3 is going to be together, and with all the memories we've had, Í'm hating the fact we all have to go seperate ways. So, this is for 2.3, its called Don't Look Back.


Do you remember
All the things we shared
All the memories we had
When we went a little maf
SO we had our differences
So we had our fights
But in the end it's still you by my side
Sure sometimes you need to cry
Sometimes we don't see eye to eye
But right now its time to say goodbye


Don't regret
Don't look back
Cuz when you say goodbye
What's waiting in front, is teh rest of our lives
We'll all find our places in this world
So don't you worry, i'm here behind you girl
So i wish you good luck
I wish you all the best
We'll remember the good times
And we'll remember the rest
Because what we have, it'll go on strong
After we leave, long after we're gone


Do you remember
When we got a little scared
All the listening ears we lent
All the hand we've held
So sometimes you feel like leaving
So sometimes you feel like breaking apart
Don't shed a tear, don't cry
Because right now, its time to say goodbye,


Don't give up
Don't give in,
Because everything you have,
It can vanish in a blink
You'll realise that effort pays off
Remeber those sleepless nights we've had
Now you're on your way
So don't look back


1:23 AM
Its been a pretty long time since i logged into here. I've been writing quite a lot, but something UNFORTUNATE happened.

MY GUITAR IS BROKEN. yes, it hurts just saying it. Anywho, here's a new song, for Gerry, since she wants an I miss You song. Its called MISSED.

Verse 1
I look up, and you look down
I've got no idea where you're at right now
I dream so much
Just to feel again
Because when you left,
you know everything changed

I try to stand up, but then I break down
And i'm trying so hard to stay strong
I crave so much,
just to feel your hand
Please oh God give us one more chance

TO be pushed when you're already down
To scream for help when you know no one's around
To stand there helpless waiting in the rain
To know nothing's gonna save you from this pain
When you're gone I don't know what to do
I guess its just cuz
I Miss You

Verse 2

Once its right, It'll all go wrong
I need answer, I've been waiting so long
Your words, they linger in my ear
Where are you, when I need you most
When i need you here

Because when you're gone,
I'm still reminded of you
Because when you're gone,
nothing else comes through
Because when you're gone,
I start feeling all confued
Because when you're gone,
I don't know what to do,
Because when you're gone,

(Repeat Chorus)

(Fade out)

my fav original song now, When You Smile
Monday, October 5, 2009 5:51 AM
Verse 1
I see you from a distance
You're walking my way
When its time to leave
You say baby please stay
I see you from a distance
I can make out your smile
The way your dimples shoe can drive every girl wild
I see you from a distance
You're coming so close
That grin you give me, i realise, is what i've missed the most

Cuz when you smile
My heart just stops
And when you smile
I melt on the spot
And when you laugh
I just wish
What we have,
forever we'll feel
because when you smile
my knees go weak
And when you smile, I dont feel the need to speak
Because when you smile,
I know this is real
And when you smile,
I know its my life's complete
Because when you smile,
I know its meant to be

Verse 2
Now we're starting down this road
And I'm feeling a little scared
Im embarrassed that it showed
But then you take my hand
When i have doubts, i dont know what to do
You say its fine, if i think of you
Well you're right
Because I just have to think of your smile

Because when you smile
My knees go weak
And when you smile
I dont feel the need to speak
Because when you smile,
I can hear my heart beat
Because when you smile,
I know its meant to be
When you smile,
my life's complete
When you smile,
I know that you're my destiny

GERRY'S SONG! It's called "A Girl like me before"
5:37 AM
Verse 1
Its monday morning, and Im dreading
going to school today
Then I'd remember
the look on your face
When I push you to the ground
Oh some things just stay the same

We're in class, its getting boring
And I have to stare at your big fat head
Then I'd push your chair
And you'd fall flat
And it'd keep me smiling for the rest of the day

You drive me crazy,
You drive me up the wall
I laugh when you're hurt
I smill when you fall
I'm so mean you can't believe it at all
but you know you've never
met a girl like me before

Verse 2
April Fool's coming, and I'm planning
A million pranks to play on you
The thought of you just freaking out
I cant wait for it to come true

When we're runnung
I'm always pushing
you out of the way
Its been like that since we were kids
Oh some things never change

Repeat Chorus

I crack up when you're bruised
I pretend I hate you bad
But when you're near I have to move
So you don't hear my heart beat fast
I dont admit it, but i still do think of you
but no matter happens
I'm still the girl you once knew

All I See Is You
5:29 AM
Verse 1
You're standing across the room
I'm here feeling all confused
I'm trying to figure out what to do
because in this noisy room
all i see is you

A few days would come and go
and I'm on my way to school
I'd feel a little bored in class
I look out the window, so all I see is you

You're all I see
You're all I breathe
You're all I think
You're all I need
I melt at just the way you look
Everything you say just seems so cool
I can't seem to know what to do
Because in a crowded room
All I seem to see is you

Verse 2
Suddenly we're face to face
In you're eyes i see the blue
My heart beats fast
and All I see is you

Now we're standing here alone
And i'm feeling like a fool
And you're giving me that smile
That sticks to me like glue
Then you take my hand in yours
what I'm feeling is new
because from now until forever
baby all i'll see is you